Thursday 4 September 2014

How Kerry Morris can get some credibility

In his run against everyone, Kerry has to present an open team.  Not the secretive VOICES team that has a history of violating the election laws and won't register legally with a name on the ballot but actually take the reins of that herd of cats that is VOICES but gather the 50 signatures required for Kerry to found a legal VOICES electoral team with the VOICES name right on the ballot.

Of course, Kerry Morris can join in with whatever illegal activities that VOICES does this time to avoid appearing like an organized group like Vision Vancouver but if he has the ethics and will power to help make our elections a cleaner affair, he can be open and up front and give him some much needed credibility.

Of course, I could just do it and when the public goes to the polls they would see 

Pringle, George   North City Voices

on the ballot since no else has registered that name as an electoral organisation.

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